
. @Urielthepro

Age 16, Male


11th Grade 😭😭😭


Joined on 11/22/19

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Why I havent made music since june

Posted by Urielthepro - August 21st, 2021

So as you can very obviously see , I didnt upload any songs since june

well thats because of a few things

1 | Hate

So ever since the Kardashev album came out, Ive been getting a lot of hate saying im clogging up the audio portal, or very bad and ugly sounds

due to my insecurity I say that my music kinda sucks too (Except for 3 songs)

2 | Lack of learning and limited things

The only music program that I used in all of my songs is (Please dont laugh at me) Audacity. why?

The trial mode in FL studio doesnt have anything, and its super hard to learn, didnt find any tutorials.

plus, to buy fl studio I need anywhere from 100 bucks to 900 BUCKS. In my country's currency (New Israeli Shekel) its NEARLY 3000 , or enough to take 7 people to the observation deck at the burj khalifa.

I only have 660$ , and all of it are either from birthdays or holidays that happened in the past 7 years.

Also, I have tons of ideas for songs and stuff, but I never get to make them a reality since I cant make them


So yeah

thats why I havent made music since june.

Thanks for reading



Honestly don't let a lack of access to high end equipment and software stop you. Limitation breeds innovation. bitbeak makes some of the best indie music on this site and he only uses Audacity.

Also, not liking what you're making is only a reason to keep going. You'll never get better without practice. Keep it up!

FL Studio can be pretty pricey and tricky to learn. I say that from experience, even tho I genuinely enjoy the software.
That being said, there are free daws (digital audio workstations; basically stuff like Audacity and FL Studio) out there that can offer you all you really need. LMMS was actually the first DAW I messed with, and while it was buggy, it was fairly similar to FL Studio in a lot of ways (and it being an older freeware, open source software, there's probably a crap ton of tutorials for it).
Just a quick google search can help ya find what you want/need for workstations, VSTs (software synths, drum machines, etc.), and a fair amount of other things.

But if you want to stick with audacity, that's not a bad thing either. If you can make that program work wonders for your needs, then go for it.

And as GoodL mentioned, your frustration with your past work is not a bad thing.
While I don't post much of anything... at all... I've made a crap ton of drawings, half-baked music projects and animations over the past decade. And while I get frustrated with where I am now, I know that each thing I make is another step forward towards progress.

That being said, I despise practicing music or drawing stuff for the sake of practicing. I generally prefer working on a project with some sort of purpose or vision, as that goal gives me my own motivation.

@BecomeTheFridge yeah I agree with your last point, and I'm the same way. But even working on a project for the sake of the project itself is, in a sense, practice since like you said, every time you do it you get a bit better.

Gotta ignore those people that want to stomp on your good time and just keep writing. Those of us that have been here for decades have had similar feelings and creative droughts from time to time. Everyone starts somewhere, don't overthink things because some nobody on the internet trashed your development and growth period.

Dearest, at the ripe age of 13 you have so much life to learn from. I'm happy you are brave enough to share your age on your profile, so many of us got started as teenagers and kids. The audio regulars on this webpage would love to have another family member, join our discord page :)


the only person that should be laughed and hated was me, why? because of this advice…

just pirate fl studio lol

ye go laugh at me, because my life is a joke

but if you are interested, i might send you the installer and crack, plus cracked vsts like serum or whatever…

xd bruh

Also I forgot to mention I get burned out a lot